Presentation here refers to the introduction to a new subject or lesson. The teacher begins the lesson by setting up a situation, either eliciting or modeling some language that the situation calls for.
Practice stage: Students practise the new language in a controlled way. They drill sentences or dialogues by repeating after the teacher or the tape, in chorus and individually, until they can say them correctly.
The end point of the PPP cycle is production, which some trainers have called ‘immediate creativity’. Here the students are asked to use the new language (in this case the present continuous) in sentences of their own. It can be a role play, a simulation activity or a communication task.
Sample Lesson Plan of PPP
Unit: School Topic Color
Unit : Relationship with other people Topic : Special Day P.6
Unit 5: Shopping Topic: price P.5
Unit: Travel Topic: Direction P.6
Unit: Myself Topic: Hobbies M.4